Hacking Someone's Computer \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ How to hack into other people's systems Brought to you by The Dark Druid /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ------------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER I will not be held responsible for any damage that might occur from experimenting with the techniques herein. If you screw something up, it's your ass. Run like hell and/or play computer illiterate. I do not support breaking laws or fucking with other people's systems... (Just a warning). ----------------------------------------------------- STEP 1 How to bypass any password protection that restrains you to access the finder: Type the "power" key on the keyboard (the one that looks like a triangle). Then type in "G Finder" or "G F" (Without the quotes). OR If the mac is an older model and does not have a "power" key on it's keyboard there should be a button next to the restart button on the computer. Press it and type in "G Finder" or "G F" (Without the quotes). STEP 2 How to get someone's password once you have access to the finder after finishing step one: Install Mac Key Saver into the control panels of the computer. Then wait a week and go back to it. Look into the system folder of the computer and open the folder "Mac Life Insurance Files". Then look through all of that shit and find the password. STEP 3 What to do once you have the password after completing step two: There's a whole lotta shit you could do. It's all up to your imagination. Well, since most of you don't want to the thinking, I'll start you out. You can change the password to something new. You could make your own account (Be careful about that though). You could give the person's password to everyone else online if you want to. I really don't care. Like I said, it's all up to you! MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION: If you wanted to you could also get the person's online password. That is, if they have an online account. Just install Mac Key Saver(KeyNabber) into the control panels. Feel free to pass this information to anyone else you like online. But please do not alter it. If you want to contact me online my address is "Drk Druid@aol.com". If you have any suggestions for the future of this text file, please email me. Special thanks to PersnlPain and all the Good Guys™ out there for having the computers to test this shit on. May force be with you.